I have 6 free gmail accounts to share and decided to reward buyers of Stomping the Search Engines by Brad Fallon. Just click the link above, and once your purchase is complete, send me an email. My contact info is in my profile.
Stomping the Search Engines is a great SEO package that will teach you everything you need to know to achieve top rankings in the search engines. I've been using Brad's techniques with great success, so I highly recommend you give Stomping the Search Engines a try.
Please note that I only have 6 free gmail accounts to give out so I may run out quickly.
Nana Gilbert-Baffoe's blog about affiliate marketing and related topics that will be of interest to affiliate marketers.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
6 Free GMail accounts
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Review: PosterSupply.com Affiliate Program
This afternoon I signed up for the PosterSupply.com Affiliate Program. Based on what they offered, it was a very simple decision to decide to promote their program. Some of the highlights include a generous 27%-32% commission on sales. With a typical framed poster costing over $100, it's easy to see how this can become quite lucrative.
They also provide affiliates with multiple linking methods such as textlinks, banners, and a dynamic poster store that will automatically create a store based on your selections. Other programs that offer this feature only provide html output, but with PosterSupply.com, you also get SSI and PHP code.
The really cool feature is the prebuilt, web services driven, Instant PHP store that lets you set up a 200,000 item poster store in 15 minutes or less. Everything is dynamic, so there's no need to change your site once it's set up. The site is based on SOAP, so unlike a datafeed driven site, you never need to keep on downloading huge datafiles whenever they're updated.
A lot of programs that I promote don't pay me until 30 days after the sale, with PosterSupply.com you get paid weekly. This is really great for affiliates who use PPC to drive sales because it means you'll usually get paid before you are billed for you advertising costs. If done right, even affiliates with low cash reserves can successfully start on the path to creating an nice monthly income stream with a self funding PPC campaign.
As always if you need some help getting started, I'm here to help. Once you sign up for the PosterSupply.com Affiliate Program feel free to send me an email. I'll do whatever I can to help you get up and running.
Friday, October 22, 2004
My Kanoodle BrightAds stats
It's been almost 2 weeks since I got accepted in the kanoodle Bright Ads program, and so far it hasn't turned out to be what I expected. My CTR is less than 0.5% compared to my AdSense CTR, it doesn't even com close.
I'm going to tweak things a bit, but I have a feeling the ads are not as targeted as the ones the show up with AdSense. Poorly targeted Ads lead to very low CTR values, and that's what seems to be happening here. The ads are too generic.
If Kanoodle hopes to be able to compete with AdSense for ad real estate space on publishers' sites, then they're going to have to do a LOT of work on their targeting algorithm
Monday, October 11, 2004
Just got accepted for Kanoodle BrightAds
Just got accepted for Kanoodle BrightAds
On Friday I applied for a BrightAds account from Kanoodle, just a few minutes ago I got my acceptance email. I've been plating around with the interface and testing it out for the past few minutes. It's very different from Google's AdSense program. There are a few things that I like and some things that need work.
In terms of ad units, they have a nice range of ad sizes to choose from. Take a look at the following list:
- 120x600
- 728x90
- 754x90
- 468x60
- 240x90
- 125x125
- 600x400
- pop-under 500x500
- pop-under 500x500
As you see they have two popup ad units to choose from. The code for the pop-under is automatically generated. This is quite different from Google's AdSense since Google doesn't allow for the use of pop-ups and pop-unders. Of course with so many people blocking pop-ups, I don't know how well this will do. I'm testing out a few, I'll let you know how it goes.
The ad creation page is quite simple and straight forward. You simply select the ad size, customize you colors and hit next. For customization, you can edit the Border, Title, Background, Text and URL colors. There a default color scheme in place, but that's it. There's also no way to save anything you customize, so you'll have to pick your colors every time.
Since there's no equivalent to Google's AdSense Channels, it kind of hard to know exactly which pages are producing income. The reporting page shows you which ad unit was displayed, and also the category of the ads that were shown. At this point in time I'm not exactly show how ads are selected. The matching was good but not perfect. I haven't noticed any visits by any Kanoodle bots, so I'm assuming maybe it's manually selected? If you have more info on this let me know. The reporting is not in real time, but it seems to be pretty fast.
I'm happy with BrightAds at the moment. There are quite a few things that need to be fix in order to make things easier. Since I just got approved, I don't know how good the revenue is, so I can't comment on that yet. Like I said before, the 50/50 split is very generous, but 50% of 10-30 cents is not much.
I'll keep you posted on any new happenings. Also feel free to sign up for your own account, I'd like to hear your experiences
Friday, October 08, 2004
Kanoodle BrightAds
Kanoodle has just launched BrightAds, a Sponsored Links program that competes with AdSense. According to Kanoodle, the BrightAds difference is:
I just signed up for an account today, but it take up to 3 business days to get approved. I'll let you know what I think once I'm in. At this point in time, I don't think it will match AdSense, in terms of revenue generated. But it could be a nice backup.
Finally Google PR Updated
As of October 6th, Google is now showing updated PR information on the Google Toolbar. According to some PR watchers/trackers it's been over 100 days since the last update.
This blog is now showing a PR of 2. It's been online for almost two months. Nothing to show off about. Hopefully this will chance as more people link to it. Hint, hint :)
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Globat $1 Web Hosting for 3 months
I just became aware of this and knew some of my readers would be interested in this great offer. Globat is offering $1 Web Hosting for the First Three Months! Looks like you have to pay 1 year in advance, but that comes out to only $74.55 for the year. They also give you one Free Year of Domain Registration and a $50 Overture
Advertising Credit. When you consider all of this, it's a great offer. If you are looking to get starting with a new affiliate website, you should really consider this offer.
This offer ends on Monday.